hey, mulai hari ini gue alih profesi buat bikin cerita... well you can guess what this is all about..
let the story begin....
Hari itu hari sabtu.. Dimana Sitta, pergi les. Hanya les bahasa inggris sih, dan cukup melelahkan. 4 jam!! bayangkan.... 4 JAM!!! Hanya berkutat dengan student booknya saja dan interaksi dengan gurunya dan hanya mendapatkan waktu istirahat 30 menit. Sungguh menyebalkan!
Pada hari itu, Sitta sengaja datang terlambat. bosan dengan rutinitas setiap hari sabtunya itu. Seharusnya masuk les jam 11, dia datang jam 11.30 tanpa rasa bersalah dan mengucapkan 'sorry ma'am, i'm late. the traffic jam was soooooo horrible outside there'. Dan gurunya hanya menjawab 'That's fine, Sitta. I understand about that..'. Tapi tampaknya ada yang berbeda dengan kelas hari itu. MENGAPA BANYAK SEKALI ANAK LAKI LAKI DAN 3 ORANG ANAK PEREMPUAN YANG ADA DI KELAS??? PADAHAL KELAS SITTA TERKENAL DENGAN NAMA 'LADIES CLASS' KARENA SEMUA MURIDNYA TERDIRI DARI PEREMPUAN. SELURUHNYA.
mungkin laki lakinya tidak banyak. hanya 4. dan 3 orang perempuan. jadi jumlahnya....... 7 orang.
Sitta yang terkenal berisik dan selalu mencerahkan suasana dalam kelas setiap sabtunya menjadi diam pada hari itu. Lalu Mrs. Gloria pun bertanya kepadanya
MG : 'Hey, something's different. You are so quite today..'
S : 'Well, I feel unwell today ma'am.'
MG : 'I know you, Sitta. It must be something that makes you like this..'
S : 'Hmm, I wanna ask you. may I?'
MG : 'Sure, what's wrong?'
S : 'Who are they?? That 7-new-students that i even don't know who they are...'
MG : 'So, that's the reason why you be so quite today? well, that Mr. Andy class' students on Friday. but he can't teach if there's only 7 students in the class.. so he moved them into Saturday class, which is ours...'
S : 'Why???? he can''t be like that.. the students have paid him and he must teach them whether it's only 7 or less!'
MG : 'I don't know what's the best reason. but he only said that to me, Sitta.. so be friendly with your new friends, okay?'
S : 'I'll try it, ma'am.."
MG : 'Good..'
Sepanjang les bahasa inggris, matanya hanya tertuju kepada anak-anak baru itu. Salah satunya sudah Sitta kenal, sebut saja Ilham. Laki-laki yang freak akan sesuatu yang berbau Jepang, Fotografi, dan Night Drift. Sitta memberi senyuman kepada Ilham dan Ilhampun membalasnya. Lalu matanya kembali melihat ke sekeliling anak anak baru tersebut.
Yang pertama, laki-laki berkulit agak gelap. Dengan menggunakan sepatu Converse Duo-Tone coklat dan hitam, kaus berwarna cokalt dan almamater berwarna biru muda. Dan juga, berpenampilan agak acak acakan. Begitu pula dengan rambutnya.
Yang kedua, laki-laki berkulit sawo matang. Dengan menggunakan sepatu Reebok Classic berwarna putih, dan menggunakan celana baggy. Celana yang agak dibenci Sitta dan di memberi nama lain pada celana itu 'Let me show you my ASSHOLE!'
Yang ketiga, laki-laki berkulit sawo matang. Bertubuh tinggi dan berkaca mata. Tampaknya dia seperti anak baik-baik.
Yang keempat, seorang anak perempuan berkulit putih. Ya, berkulit putih. Menggunakan kawat gigi dan bibir yang tipis membuatnya tampak lebih manis. Dan rambut hitam panjangnya diikat seperti buntut kuda. Satu kata dibenak Sitta, Cantik.
Yang kelima, seorang perempuan berkulit putih. Dengan potongan rambut pendek, bahkan bisa dibilang cepak. Menggunakan sepatu Converse hitam, skinny jeans, dan kemeja membuatnya terlihat tomboy tetapi tetap manis.
Dan yang terakhir, seorang perempuan dengan kulit sawo matang. Menggunakan sepatu Converse berwarna merah menyala dan kaus merah juga. Dari mukanya terlihat dia seorang yang baik dan keibuan.
Tetapi mata Sitta hanya terus tertuju pada anak baru yang pertama. Sedikit sedikit mencuri pandangan, dan kadang tertangkap basah sedang memperhatikannya. Dia hanya menatap kosong, kadang tersenyum, kadang terlihat mentertawakan sesuatu.
Istirahatpun akhirnya datang. Untuk melepas rasa kantuk dan lapar, akhirnya Sitta memutuskan untuk pergi makan siang bersama teman-temannya yang rata-rata merupakan anak kuliahan. Sitta akhirnya memutuskan untuk makan di Kopkas, tempat makan para karyawan di hari biasa dan murid murid les pada hari sabtu dengan banyak pilihan makanan.
Sesampainya di Kopkas, Sitta langsung memesan makanan kesukaannya. Ayam Bakar beserta Nasi Putih panas dengan segelas Es Teh Manis. Lalu, Sitta langsung mencari tempat duduk bersama teman-temannya. Lalu mulailah percakapan khas ladies class...
Sitta (S) : 'Ngerasa aneh ngga sih ada anak baru??'
Mbak Arum (MA) : 'Iya yaa.. Biasanya kita cewe semua.. Sekarang ada 'lawan main'nya..'
Mbak Herti (MH) : 'Bener bener.. Aneh aja yaa Sit, biasanya kamu yang berisik sekarang anak cowo jaket biru itu yang berisik..'
S : 'Biarin deh mbak..'
( to be continued........)
nah segitu dulu yaaa.. pegel nih. hehehehehe... maklum namanya juga amatir.. see ya in the next episode :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
new set and two people love it !
i've made a new set (featuring jes stam on it! yeaaaa..) and two people from romania love it!
check this out :DD (it seemed messy, but that's the art. hahahaha)
check this out :DD (it seemed messy, but that's the art. hahahaha)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
here, there, and everywhere :))
sekilas info, saya kembali menjalin hubungan dengan Radika Deighianza Nasution. DAN SAYA ENGGA PERNAH MENYESALI ITU :)
well fyi, saya udah mulai males sama apa yang udah terjadi dulu dulu..
inget tingkah lakunya, MALE BUKAN MAIN MULESNYA.
inget apa yang dia lakuin ke saya dulu, MASYA ALLAH MULESNYA.
jadi kenapa harus dipikirin ???
toh saya sama kamu bukan apa apa lagi sekarang dan saya senang akan itu :))))
tapi kejadian kemaren yang saya sebelin.
jadi, kemarin perasaan saya engga enak, lalu pulang sekolah. saya coba hubungin dia pake SKYPE (YEAAAA, I'M ADDICTED OF IT NOW SINCE I GOT BACK WITH HIM SO WE CAN SHARE SOME SWEET KISSES. LOL!)
dan setelah ditunggu beberapa menit, hasilnya............. TIDAK MEMUASKAN. TIDAK DIANGKAT.
karena sudah agak kesal, mau di hang up. dan akhirnya DIANGKAT dan keluarlah SESOSOK MUKA PEREMPUAN CANTIK. i wonder who is she....
lalu gue tanyakan kemana perginya si dikung dan dia jawab..... ke rumah sakit, dia ngerasa ga enak badan.
well, sebagai pacar gue ngerasa ga enak. karena gimanapun juga dika cowo gue dan seharusnya gue bisa ngerawat dia :(((
ah yaaasudahlaaaaaaah...
well, i think this is it!! my last pour-out session :)
next big things are MY FASHION SETS & UPCOMING PROJCTS!!!! :)
well fyi, saya udah mulai males sama apa yang udah terjadi dulu dulu..
inget tingkah lakunya, MALE BUKAN MAIN MULESNYA.
inget apa yang dia lakuin ke saya dulu, MASYA ALLAH MULESNYA.
jadi kenapa harus dipikirin ???
toh saya sama kamu bukan apa apa lagi sekarang dan saya senang akan itu :))))
tapi kejadian kemaren yang saya sebelin.
jadi, kemarin perasaan saya engga enak, lalu pulang sekolah. saya coba hubungin dia pake SKYPE (YEAAAA, I'M ADDICTED OF IT NOW SINCE I GOT BACK WITH HIM SO WE CAN SHARE SOME SWEET KISSES. LOL!)
dan setelah ditunggu beberapa menit, hasilnya............. TIDAK MEMUASKAN. TIDAK DIANGKAT.
karena sudah agak kesal, mau di hang up. dan akhirnya DIANGKAT dan keluarlah SESOSOK MUKA PEREMPUAN CANTIK. i wonder who is she....
lalu gue tanyakan kemana perginya si dikung dan dia jawab..... ke rumah sakit, dia ngerasa ga enak badan.
well, sebagai pacar gue ngerasa ga enak. karena gimanapun juga dika cowo gue dan seharusnya gue bisa ngerawat dia :(((
ah yaaasudahlaaaaaaah...
well, i think this is it!! my last pour-out session :)
next big things are MY FASHION SETS & UPCOMING PROJCTS!!!! :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
please choose the sets :)
well, tami will back to westwood and spend her spring break wth danny there. (oh my.. miss you dear :'''( )
she's a fashion lover who always catch up with the newest trends. so i made this sets that based from my imagination of her body posture and the weather at calif THIS SPRING!! yeaaaaah check this out :)
she's a fashion lover who always catch up with the newest trends. so i made this sets that based from my imagination of her body posture and the weather at calif THIS SPRING!! yeaaaaah check this out :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
just... you know.. forget it !
well..well..well.. i'm homeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
sooooooooo, today i went to tami's house because i'm too bored at home and then we both had lunch at her house (we ate McDonald's. and we used delivery service, of course.) and we talked about her activities and her BIG NEXT STEP with her fiance.
so, here's the chit chat...
ti : well.. why you went home, this is assessment week at UCLA right ?
ta: yaaaaa.. i noe. i've told my lectures that i can send my assessment paper from email and they said okay. no prob with it.
ti : nice.. i hope indonesia can used that system too.
ta: stop dreaming hahaha..
ti : well, how's your life on cali ?
ta: pretty bad, i can't catch up sometimes with my time.
ti : why ?
ta: danny often didn't wake me up so, you know.. i always late for my class!
ti : hahahaha.. i think you must buy new alarm, or maybe police alarm for sure.
ta: hah hah hah.. that's funny.
ti : okay.. stop that.. so.. what you gonna do with danny?? for the next step i mean..
ta: i dunno.. we used to live together.. breakfast..brunch sometimes.. all together. and i think we're unseparable..
ti : yeaa.. just look at your lindbrook manor's. isn't it fun doing that together?
ta: uh huh.. by the way.. he had talked to me about marriage.. i'm kinda happy but....
ti : WHAAAAAT??? CONGRATS!! but i think it was to early, wasn't it?
ta: ya, that's what i thought. i mean, we're still doing the same activities.. studying at college and doing fun together..
ti : are you ready for that? don't be offended, but this is the truth. you still often passed you 'feeding-stola' schedule.
ta: that's it! stola often passed by me. what about my baby?
ti : just forget it! you're still young, both of you. there's a lot of things to do and finish on time.
ta: well i think the same like you.. thank's for the advice :)
ti : you're welcome sist :)
then, i went home and she drove me home. that's it for today.
sooooooooo, today i went to tami's house because i'm too bored at home and then we both had lunch at her house (we ate McDonald's. and we used delivery service, of course.) and we talked about her activities and her BIG NEXT STEP with her fiance.
so, here's the chit chat...
ti : well.. why you went home, this is assessment week at UCLA right ?
ta: yaaaaa.. i noe. i've told my lectures that i can send my assessment paper from email and they said okay. no prob with it.
ti : nice.. i hope indonesia can used that system too.
ta: stop dreaming hahaha..
ti : well, how's your life on cali ?
ta: pretty bad, i can't catch up sometimes with my time.
ti : why ?
ta: danny often didn't wake me up so, you know.. i always late for my class!
ti : hahahaha.. i think you must buy new alarm, or maybe police alarm for sure.
ta: hah hah hah.. that's funny.
ti : okay.. stop that.. so.. what you gonna do with danny?? for the next step i mean..
ta: i dunno.. we used to live together.. breakfast..brunch sometimes.. all together. and i think we're unseparable..
ti : yeaa.. just look at your lindbrook manor's. isn't it fun doing that together?
ta: uh huh.. by the way.. he had talked to me about marriage.. i'm kinda happy but....
ti : WHAAAAAT??? CONGRATS!! but i think it was to early, wasn't it?
ta: ya, that's what i thought. i mean, we're still doing the same activities.. studying at college and doing fun together..
ti : are you ready for that? don't be offended, but this is the truth. you still often passed you 'feeding-stola' schedule.
ta: that's it! stola often passed by me. what about my baby?
ti : just forget it! you're still young, both of you. there's a lot of things to do and finish on time.
ta: well i think the same like you.. thank's for the advice :)
ti : you're welcome sist :)
then, i went home and she drove me home. that's it for today.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
weeew udah lama banget ngga ngepost. sibuk mas. antara tidur, bimbel, house chores hehehe..
well, my best friend of life (tami) came home to jakarta yesterday after 2 years being busy @ UCLA. she called me yesterday and asked me if i can go out tomorrow with her.. and yeaaa it's sound great (but not great with jakarta today's weather.. SO HOT. huh... -_-")
by the way... ah not to be mentioned.
well, i'm listening to this song ALL DAY LONG and maybe all of you know who sing this and how meaningful this song to me :'''''(
well, my best friend of life (tami) came home to jakarta yesterday after 2 years being busy @ UCLA. she called me yesterday and asked me if i can go out tomorrow with her.. and yeaaa it's sound great (but not great with jakarta today's weather.. SO HOT. huh... -_-")
by the way... ah not to be mentioned.
well, i'm listening to this song ALL DAY LONG and maybe all of you know who sing this and how meaningful this song to me :'''''(
Darlin', I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
and I took your presence for granted
Assumed you'd always be there
and I took your presence for granted
Although the sun will never shine the same
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord, I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray...
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord, I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
talking dunks. loves it :)))
i'm searching for new sneakers on site. womens nike dunk low. and i found this cute on :))
it cost about $79.99 on journeys.com (wuiiiiiiih gileeeeeeeeeeeee mahal bener ckckck.)
and i made a set on my polyvore account, and it looks like this
it cost about $79.99 on journeys.com (wuiiiiiiih gileeeeeeeeeeeee mahal bener ckckck.)
and i made a set on my polyvore account, and it looks like this
simple day by tizaaaw featuring Nike sneakers
as an amateur, i don't really know how to make a good set (i'm sorry :D)
as an amateur, i don't really know how to make a good set (i'm sorry :D)
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